Monday, April 30, 2012


Hey y'all! My name is Phil, and I am currently a 10th grade sophomore. In three years I plan to go to North Carolina State University and study to become a veterinarian. Right now I take many classes, unfortunately none are AP. I am a hard working student, and I strive to get things done. I currently live on an 80 acres farm in a small town in North Carolina.

I love animals. My family and I currently own 3 jack Russell terriers, 1 shiba inu, and 5 mixed cats. We also own three horses and about 40 goats.

An interesting story I have is about my father. He was born in England and came to America when he was in 5th grade at around 10 years old. He lived in Louisiana and had a job skinning deer for $5 a deer. He also loves animals and was planning to go to college and become a vet. A few years later, they moved to New Jersey. When my dad was in his junior year of high school, his parents realized they did not like America and wanted to go back to England. They gave him a choice to come back with them, but America was the land of the free! He didn't want to go back to the crummy old town back in England. His parents thought differently, and since he did not want to go, they left him. Now my dad was seventeen years old, alone in America. He had no money left from his parents or any shelter. What could he do? He had to get a job and unfortunately drop out of high school. Although it was not his choice, he had to. Now with his dreams of becoming a vet ruined, my dad could only work minimum wage jobs to barely get along.

I’m not sure if this 100% true, but I’m pretty positive, but my dad got a lawn mower and started a lawn mowing business. Between a few years, he had created a landscaping business out of his little lawn mowing business. That was when he met my mother, cutting the grass. They fell in love instantly and within a year, I was born. Going forward to 2006, we got a goat that did not have a home. Within another year we had 3 goats. My hardworking father then started to build a chicken coup to hold the 30 baby chicks he ordered. He realized that he can still live on his dream. We farmed about 20 goats, 30 chickens, and 4 horses by 2010. And in the summer of 2011, we moved to North Carolina. We upgraded our 8 acre farm to 80 acres.
 My family loves animals and I believe that I should go and do what I love, to be a veterinarian. Doing the thing I love, to take care of animals, should be in my future.
My father and sister on our horse Hercules
The job of a veterinarian is to take care of animals, whether they are sick or are just in need of a regular checkup. Whenever one of my pets are brought there I am fascinated by what is done. My plan is to go to North Carolina State University and study at their College of Veterinary Medicine. This veterinary college is ranked third in the country! Altough it is competitive to get into, I believe with striving and hard work this goal can be achieved. In order to become a vet, you need to go to this college for about 7 years. Within two years I hope to go to NCSU and start my new life!